Saturday 23 July 2016

Skin Care In Your 20's

When I was younger I always thought that my skin would magically transform in my 20’s. Still too young to worry about wrinkles, but old enough to be past the teenage break out stage. Unfortunately, your 20’s can be just as confusing for your skin as it is for everything else in your life. I’m battling very early signs of ageing and fatigued-looking skin alongside those occasional breakouts. Your 20’s is the perfect time to start taking your skin care routine seriously (and I don’t just mean taking a quick baby wipe to your face). Here I share my do’s and don’ts for skin care in your 20’s.

Don’t sleep with your makeup on – Okay so this is a pretty obvious one and I’ve been a guilty culprit for a very long time. I used to work in bars and clubs during my time at uni and was always too tired to remove my makeup thoroughly. The problem with leaving your makeup on overnight is that not only do you feel gross in the morning, but it could be damaging your skin in more ways than you think. For example, sleeping with eye shadow on can clog the little hair follicles and oil glands on your eyelids which may lead to infections like styes.

Do get plenty of sleep – Getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep a night is essential for beautiful and radiant looking skin. Sleep gives our body time to repair and recover and leads to a long list of benefits for your skin. When we sleep our skin produces new collagen which leads to plumper looking skin and fewer wrinkles. Quality sleep regularly will also help prevent dark circles and sagging underneath your eyes.

Don’t stay away from sunscreen – Living in the north of Scotland, I don’t see the sun that often but sun rays can be just as damaging during winter months are they are in the summer. Investing in a good sunscreen will help slow down the development of wrinkles and premature ageing as well as reducing the appearance of blotchiness and helping to prevent facial brown spots.

Do invest in a good eye cream - I personally think that the best investment for your skin in your 20’s is finding a good eye cream that works for you. There are a lot out there but as you become more aware of what type of skin you have and what your problem areas are, you’re sure to find one that works perfectly for you. I’ve heard great reviews about the Benefit It's Potent! Eye Cream  which is anti-aging and collagen boosting. I also highly recommend the Kiehls Midnight Recovery Eye. I recently posted about my experience with botox for fine lines underneath your eyes which is said to help delay signs of more intense wrinkles later on in life.

Don’t think you’re too young for facials – So facials are expensive and it’s not always easy to find time in your week to visit your salon regularly but there are things that you can’t DIY. Not only is a beautician or dermatologist probably going to give you better skin care advice than at a beauty counter, but if you’re having issues with your skin then it can help find out why. For £45 my local salon offers The Dermalogica Skin Treatment which is customised at every step by the skin therapist, based on your skin mapping analysis. Each treatment is unique and they can offer products that best suit your skin needs.

Do stay hydrated – Drinking plenty of water is one of the best things you can do for your skin. Staying hydrated promotes skin circulation at its base so that skin repair doesn’t decrease. If you feel that you are overloading with lotions and potions but not seeing any results, make sure you’re drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day. I know that sounds hard and I really struggled with it but I downloaded the Plant Nanny (available free on the App Store) which is a great way to keep track of how much water you are drinking.

Don’t stick to the £1 face masks – During my late teens, I used to love the cheap face masks that are available in most supermarkets but now is the right time to find a quality face mask that works for your skin. Part of this is finding out what skin type you have and tailoring your routine around that. I have dry skin, especially under my eyes and my favourite masks to use are the Glamglow THIRSTYMUD Hydrating Treatment which I use around 3 times a week and the Tata Harper Resurfacing Mask. If you’re unsure what type of skin you have, simply ask your skin therapist at your salon or a staff member in the body shop who are always happy to help.


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